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  • Orange Dual Button Footswitch

    Orange Dual Button Footswitch

    Our heavy duty footswitches are perfect for all of your Orange switching needs! Channel Switching: All twin channel valve amplifiers, Crush 20/RT, Crush 35 & Crush Pro amps. Reverb Engage/Defeat: Rockerverb, Thunderverb and Crush Pro amps. Attenuator...

  • MXR M133 Micro Amp Gain Control Boost Guitar Effects Pedal

    MXR M133 Micro Amp Gain Control Boost Guitar Effects Pedal

    Adding a preset amount of gain with just a single control, the Micro Amp is a great way to boost your signal for lead work or adjust between two different guitars with unmatched output (i.e. humbuckers to single-coils). It can also provide a permanent...

    Retail Price: $114.28
  • MXR M148 Micro Chorus Analog Guitar Effects Pedal

    MXR M148 Micro Chorus Analog Guitar Effects Pedal

    With its simple operation and stellar analog tone—the MXR Micro Chorus joins the ranks of MXR Classics such as the Phase 90, Dyna Comp and Micro Amp. This 80's reissue delivers a stunning range of rich chorus textures, from sparkly watery shimmers to...

    Retail Price: $138.56
5 of 5 Items